ISO Pros of Michigan Provides a Variety of Different Standards
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IQC the ISO Pros of Michigan is the consulting company you can rely on for getting ISO certified. Our professionals can help you with numerous ISO standards. If you want to know more, go through the Additional ISO Certifications We Offer in Michigan (MI) below.

Additional ISO standards We can help you within Michigan (MI)
Aerospace AS9101: If you are looking for a certification that helps you analyze the quantitative analysis of your firm’s quality management, the AS9101 certification is a perfect choice. Your firm will be able to manage things and quantify them.
Aerospace AS9102: First article inspection (FAI) is very important in aerospace industries. AS9102 certification will help your aerospace industry manage the set requirements and benefit from being internationally certified.
Anti-Bribery ISO 37001: It is necessary to maintain a healthy and cooperative environment at your firm. If you are having trouble maintaining it or face any damages due to corruption, AS37001 certification is indeed a boon for you.
Asset Management ISO 55001: Assets have their special value. To manage the assets of your firm, you can contact IQC The ISO Pros of Michigan. We will support you in getting certified to ISO 55001. This certification will increase the life of your assets, and thus the asset holder will greatly profit.
Automotive Core Tools (APQP, AQP, PPAP, FMEA, SPC, MSA, and R&M): To manage an automotive industry is a must. People find it hard to maintain a set quality standard for a long-time duration. These automotive core tools will help you resolve any issues that hamper the product quality and sale. Contacting us will solve your issue by helping you install automotive core tools effectively.
Body Armor BA 9000: This certification holds deep values for the organizations that manufacture arms and weapons for the federal, state, and legislative bodies that control the law.
Counterfeits AS 6081: the numbers of fraudulent companies in the aerospace industry are increasing. To avoid dealing with such companies and buying products that might hamper your reputation, AS 6081 certifications are a safer and effective choice to make.
Energy ISO 50001 and SEP: in today’s time when the energy resources are used extravagantly, implementing ISO 50001 and SEP will enable your firm to manage the energy requirements.
Ethical Sourcing SQFI: for the industries in the food industries, SQFI offers them an easy and simple way to show their quality measurements. This certification will bring immense profits as people will have faith in your product.
Facility Management ISO 41001: to manage and control your firm’s facilities requirement, ISO 41001 can be applied. To make sure the lifestyle of the people involved with your firm is safe and sound, this certification is helpful.
Food Safety Modernization Act FDA FSMA: this act is meant to change the approach of industries and government about methods of food safety. The FDA has the authority to carry out inspections at any given place or time if they are not happy with the quality of food that the company manufactures.
To avoid such inspections and claims that might hamper the name of your industry, this act should be taken seriously and must be established.

Food Safety ISO 22000: Getting certified to this standard will ensure that all your food manufacturing and delivery industry processes are following the requirements set by ISO 22000. Many food processing owners who work with us have attained the benefits of ISO 22000.
Forestry SFI ATFS (Sustainable Forestry): To use the forest products sustainably, you must maintain certain regulations. Your firm can manage the use of forest products efficiently by getting certified to forestry SFI ATFS.
Gluten-Free Certification (GFC): many organizations claim to produce products that are free from gluten. But people and other suppliers will trust you only when there is proof of your claim. Attaining a gluten-free certification (GFC) will act as that proof.
IATR or International Traffic in Arms Regulations: this is an important standard for the United States and Canadian people. This regulation controls the trade of arms and ammunition to a foreign land. To safeguard the defense and military strategies, ITAR is essential.
Laboratory Accreditation ISO 17025: If your lab has been serving and working so hard but cannot get the recognition it deserves; ISO 17025 certification will benefit. ISO 17025 is the only certification that works for laboratories all over the globe. Getting certified to an international standard like this will bring huge profit and form a brand image.
Packaging ISO 15378: Medical devices industries make products that cannot be faulty or inappropriate. The transfer of such products must also be done safely to make sure the user attains the benefit. ISO 15378 is one such certification that ensures the packaging of materials.
The materials, when packed under stringent quality control measures, will not be damaged. IQC The ISO Pros of Michigan will help you achieving every detail to help you get certified to ISO 15378.
Responsible Care RC14001: the chemical industries can get certified to RC 14001 certification. When this standard is used along with ISO 9001, the value of the standard increases many folds. We have helped many industries to get certified to RC 14001 and enjoy the perks of it.
Supply Chain ISO 28000: to maintain quality relations with the supply chain members, ISO 28000 is a good way. The plans and schemes mentioned here will mutually benefit you and your suppliers. Long-term deals can be made that will assure profit in the future is as well. This is a highly recommended standard as it has proved beneficial in these times.
Telecommunications TL 9000: for the firms and organizations in the communication sector, TL 9000 is an appropriate way out. It helps in managing the quality requirement of the various departments.
Audit Management Systems ISO 19011: to manage to control the audits conducted, ISO 19011 certification is helpful. This certification will manage the conductance of the audits in all aspects.
There are some additional services provided by IQC The ISO Pros of Michigan. They are:
Outsourced Internal Auditing: Do not worry if your organization lacks the time and management system to conduct internal audits. Our professionals will perform the task effortlessly for you. We have a huge experience and profited a lot of customers from this service.
Virtual Internal Audits: these audits are very successful in practical terms. These audits are conducted on the internet. These audits will save a lot of time for your firm.
Second Party Audits: these audits are beneficial to the customer as well as to the company owner. These audits can help the customer to select which firms are providing the desired deals.
Supplier Audits: the supplier audits conducted by our firm help choose the right product provided by various numbers of suppliers available. These audits will help you save your time and efforts.
Supplier Evaluation: to evaluate among different suppliers that match your needs, IQC The ISO Pros of Michigan will guide you through and help you choose the best among them. To make the right decision about the suppliers.
Compliance Audits: the organizations that have already achieved the desired certification must abide by the rules. It is a kind of check by the government that the regulatory requirements are in place.
Pre-assessment Audits: these audits come in handy when a certification audit is approaching. It can be considered as a practice audit. It will enable your firm to know about the flaws. A chance will be given to rectify the errors that have been unidentified previously.
Documentation Audit/Desk Audit: for gaining correct and required information about the workers working in your firm, a Documentation audit or desk audit can be beneficial.
Contact now!
IQC the ISO Pros of Michigan is a reliable and effective ISO consulting company. Helping other companies in implementing and getting certified to ISO standards is what we do. If you need assistance, get in touch.
IQC The ISO Pros of Michigan can help you implement, train on, consult, and have your company and/or organization certified on the following ISO Certifications:
If you want to enjoy the above-listed benefits, contact IQC the ISO Pros of Michigan, now. Our services are accessible in all of the below-mentioned cities: